Wolfman Industries is a leading Israeli industrial company in its field that was founded in 1923.
Avri Wolfman
A leading industrial company in its field that was founded in 1923.
Manufactures and markets a wide range of concrete products and pre-concrete-based solutions for development, infrastructure and construction works.
Wolfman active in developing suitable solution for various disciplines such as civil engineering, transportation, sustainable environmental development, and communication. It has the expertise and experience to provide a wide range of concrete products for both levels above and underground infrastructures. All manufacturing processes and installation solution are with accordance to approval of the national authority and international standards.
The constant development initiated by the creative engineering department, followed with quality supervision and a determine production department, the company is now successfully involved in many important projects including the Light trains projects, Seawater desalination plants , Main sewer collection lines and many others.
The company manufacturing introduced new methods and products in Israel and considered as leading benchmark within its industry specialty.
Wolfman owns 2 production plants located at Haifa (north) and Ashkelon (south).