KMC is one of the leading hospitals in Israel and a part of Clalit health services ,the largest health care organization in Israel.
KMC is affiliated to the Hebrew University in Jerusalem.
It provides safe and caring quality medical services to a population of more than 1 million citizens, with over 550 Hospitalization Beds.
KMC is committed to clinical excellence with groundbreaking medical research .
Prop. Tarif Bader
1 Pasternak St., Rehovot 7661041
KMC is committed to clinical excellence with groundbreaking medical research .
As of 2021, there are more than 450 active studies at KMC.
More than 40 wards and services are recognized for Residency training.
There are 3 schools available at Kaplan MC:
Nursing school (part of the Hebrew University in Jerusalem)- the school is approved by ISO association.
Clalit’s national school for radiology technicians.
School for immigrant physicians (who made “aliya”) and returnees (Israelis studied abroad).
Centers of Excellence at KMC:
The Cardiology institute at KMC is focused on medical excellence, research and technological progress, in all modern cardiology areas.
The Orthopedic array serves as a consultancy and treatment center for all areas of orthopedics.
The Ophthalmology department provides innovative medical services for a wide range of diseases and eye & vision problems.
The Ob. & Gyn. division at Kaplan MC includes a variety of departments and clinics focusing on women’s health.
(The IVF unit presents an impressive 60% success rate).