HackersEye, is a Private Israeli Cyber Security Company, providing advanced Security Services.
Our experts have a rich experience in dealing with incidents and security needs across a variety of sectors.
The Company`s Moto is "Security from an Attackers point of view ", and we empower businesses to enhance their Security resilience by approaching their security from an attacker’s perspective.
Tal Raveh
Ahaliav 8
The Challenge
Statistically speaking every organization will deal with technological obstacles that severely impact the business ability to operate. Once an incident accrues your entire business is dependent on your Security team’s capability and experience.
A Soldiers power is not in his Weapon but rather in his training & experience.
Our experience has taught us that the Human Factor in a business’s Security is the most crucial factor of all.
Our Answer
Our answer is “HackersRange” an Advanced Simulator, Designed for Hands on Training, in a Gamified interface.
HackersEye`s solution to the challenge faced.
Train your teams in a fully automated, cost efficient, plug & play platform.
Our Mission
Our target is to is to take Cyber Security Training to the next level. To push Security personnel to the limit. Introduce your Security teams to new technologies, to enhance their existing capabilities, sharpen their skills and enrich their knowledge thusly increasing the organizations Cyber Security Readiness.