Innovative Diagnostic Unified KIT for all blood tests on same process to enable also determination of the quality of a specific blood unit, thus resulting prediction of blood unit's maximum storage period as well as validation of the right match of the specific unit to a specific recipient prior to the transfusion.
Arie Huber
Har Chotzvim Jerusalem
Blood transfusion is a common life-saving procedure in many cases. Therefore, medical services collect and store blood in blood banks. However, Red-Blood-Cells (RBC) have a limited life-span in the body as well as under storage condition. Therefore, storage regulation of donated blood is set for up to 42 days adopting First-in-First-out ("FIFO") which is meaningless criterion. In addition, there is a mandatory requirement (with no tool to validate it) that 75% of transfused RBCs will survive in the patient’s body after 24 hours.
The problem:
The characteristics of RBC from different donors vary, thus resulting in different scored quality level of each blood unit and different functionality after transfusion. Therefore, in many cases, there is a poor transfusion outcome (e.g. low survivability of transfused RBC), different side effects (e.g. iron overload) and repetitive transfusions that are leading to longer treatments and increase in medical costs.
PRC Biomedical has developed a Unified KIT array that in addition to the present known blood tests addresses these problems by characterizing RBC quality of each sample (of the blood unit or recipient). It also predicts the maximum storage period of each blood unit and enables to determine the right match between the blood unit and the recipient patient prior to transfusion.