B-LITE technology makes it possible to use the desired implant volume or size, while reducing the weight of that same implant by more than 30%.
B-LITE technology significantly reduces the weight of the implant and the side effect associated with weight, while improving and maintaining the results achieved by breast augmentation and breast reconstruction procedures over time.
Dr Jacky Govrin Yehudain
4 Ben Gurion Ave., Haifa
Dr. Govrin, the founder and president of G&G biotechnology, and his team of engineers, chemists, biologists, research and development personnel, have successfully developed a lightweight breast implant for breast augmentation and breast reconstruction – B-LITE.
G&G biotechnology and Polytech health and aesthetics GmbH merged in 2018.
Implants actually act like a weight on the breasts, causing sagginess, flabbiness and loss of volume to happen even faster. The heavier the implant, the bigger its impact and the bigger the damage. the lightweight B-LITE implant – significantly reduces the weight of the implant and side effects associated with weight, while also improving and maintaining breast augmentation and reconstruction results over time.
The B-LITE implants are manufactured in Germany by Polytech health and aesthetics GmbH. The implants were developed using innovative technology, with materials commonly accepted and approved for use in medicine and industry for manufacturing implants. The implant comes in either an anatomically correct or round shape, several different height profiles and with a smooth or textured exterior.
The B-LITE implants successfully passed a long series of experiments under the strictest standards in the USA and Germany, and the technology implemented in the B-LITE implants has been granted ISO and CE quality assurance certification. Upon obtaining these certifications and after completing the custom registration procedures in Europe and Israel, many surgeons, including some of the most renowned plastic surgeons in the world, started using the B-LITE implants in their surgeries. The B-LITE implants are currently widely used in many countries, including Germany, Switzerland, Italy, Sweden, Finland, Spain, England, Israel, South Africa, New Zealand, and more.